

-- 1998年より、チャイナP&E(国際写真・電気撮影機材・技術展示会)はこれまで21回盛況に開催されました。中華人民共和国商務部の承認を得て、第22回チャイナP&Eが、2019年4月12日から15日まで北京展覧館で開催されます。

Everyone is Invited to Celebrate Pride Month at the 20th Annual Stonewall Pride Wilton Manors Parade and Festival

WILTON MANORS, Fla., April 19, 2019 /haixunshe/​ -- In celebration of pride, equality, and inclusion approximately 40,000 individuals from across the state, nation, and world will come together on Saturday, June 15, 2019 for the 20th Annual Stonewall Pride Wilton Manors parade and festival. Individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and elected officials are all invited to participate in support and cel

韩国LADY HOUSE公司“merdevie”系列产品,专为呵护女性私密处而生

随着明媚的春景持续,外出活动频繁。随着天气转暖,人们对个人清洁的关注也越来越高,特别是女性对于被称为"秘密地带"的Y-zone管理也花费不少心思。 韩国LADY HOUSE公司集中于研发、生产现代女性需要的产品,吸引着大众目光。


在2019 年 3月10日-12日,由中国(广州)国际美博会、中华全国工商业联合会美容化妆品业商会皮肤管理教育专业委员会、亚洲皮肤美容协会以及中国国际皮肤管理大赛组织委员会联合举办的第七届中国国际皮肤管理大赛在广州圆满落幕。本次大赛以“致美青春梦”为主题,旨在为“美业追梦人”打造更具中国特色的美业皮肤管理大赛,推动民族美业的的蓬勃发展


韩国FAU的超级热门商品“保湿再生BB霜”中含有珍珠成分,能够展现光彩肌肤的新产品“珍珠高光再生BB霜”的上市成为了韩国化妆品业界热门话题。 “保湿再生BB霜”的后续产品“珍珠高光再生BB霜”维持了原有的“保湿再生BB霜”的效果,并且含有亮丽的色感和细微的珍珠珠光,可以让皮肤呈现出自然的光彩。

A bridge between digital assets and the real world——XRP MAX Global Launch

With the application value of block chain technology in many fields, more and more people with lofty ideals join the wave of application of physical assets. XRP MAX is the first to hold a global start-up conference in California, USA.


中国国际照相机械影像器材与技术博览会(以下简称:China P&E)自1998年起已成功举办了21届。经中华人民共和国商务部批准的第22届China P&E,将于2019年4月12日至15日在北京展览馆举办。

The tour of Chinese sanitary ware brand attracting global cooperation

Abstract: IMEX is a famous sanitary ware brand in China. IMEX is now inviting more partners to join hands together to offer brilliant service and products to Europe. Tangshang China.With 25 years of experience as a manufacturer, IMEX always focus on the sanitary ware industry and with precise and professional working spirit turn itself to be trusted “craftsman.”

cosmetics matches skin perfectly in French style

Abstract: Yinrrytung, a popular cosmetics brand born in Paris, takes "make up in French style" as its brand concept. Integrating top research and development technology and the most cutting-edge fashion essence, Yinrrytung has made itself a fashionable color trend pioneer. The brand is devoted to makeup-and-skincare combination, maximizing the features of romance, confidence, sexiness, attractiven



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